Thursday, December 27, 2012

CherryReview: Josie Maran Bare Naked Wipes

First of all...Merry Christmas to everyone!!  I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with your loved ones :)  Now onto the review...

I bought these nail removal pads from Sephora while waiting to pay one time. They set me back $11 CAD for 20 wipes...not bad I guess although I could have scored the nail and facial wipes for $12 during the Black Friday sale. Oh well!

That one pad was able to take off pretty much 95% of the red nail polish I had.  The dork I am, I forgot to take a photo of the state of my nails.  I had on Essie's Headmistress, which is a medium-dark red (base-one coat-top coat and touch ups).  It was pretty chipped on my index fingers and three fingers on my right hand. 

I figured testing these nail removing pads on red nails would be the best - I definitely do not think they will do the trick for glitter nail polish.  

Sorry for the crap quality -took the picture with my computer's camera for time efficiencies.  That is how the packaging is, pretty simple. The wipes are very thin so you have to make sure that you take only one and not three at a time.

The product claims to be able to remove all the nail polish from all ten fingers with just one pad (pretty close) as well as moisturizer your cuticles and promote healthy nail growth (hence the 3-in-1 claim). I'll admit it did a pretty good job removing all my red nail polish (although the colour transferee into the oil and got on my hands and my table - easy clean up with some tissues) and my hands and cuticles were moisturized well. It has a lovely grapefruit scent as well...better than the burning scent of acetone up your nose (or whatever it is in my non-acetone nail remover)

It's a screw cap and each pad is around the size of a cotton pad. It's very saturated and feels pretty greasy because it has cuticle oil in it too. The packaging is better as a screw cap since it prevents it from drying up.

Do my nail beds and cuticles look better after this? Yes...however it's winter now so everyday I have to put on hand cream and cuticle oil or my nail beds look sad. I like how I would t have to go the extra step with applying cuticle oil after removing my nail polish (normal removers are very drying). My only issue goes to the next question....

Does it remove all the nail polish from all 10 fingers? Yes...and no. I think with a lighter colour it will work better. With more chipped nails too because there's less polish. As I said, with my red nails it got pretty tricky!! I used every millimeter of that removal pad

Does it make my nails grow stronger? I haven't noticed much of a difference mainly because I've been bombarding my nails with all sorts of supplements etc ever since my shellac nail polish removal issue which left my nails peeling (prior to that they were very strong and healthy). So no real comment on that.

Will I buy this again? I like the concept and I think it works pretty well as claimed, but at the same time it's a little pricey for what it is. You can get a bottle of non-acetone nail polish remover pretty cheap at the drugstore and it will do a decent job like these wipes minus the cuticle oil step you will have to so yourself. I might keep these for when I paint my nails a darker colour so that there's less damage when removing. Aside from that I am not sure if I will want to buy them again!!

Readers: What are your thoughts on nail polish removal - would you use something without acetone that was natural?  

1 comment:

  1. LOVE these pads! No smell - great for the cuticles - spend the money on yourself! Will buy again.


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