Sunday, July 11, 2010

CherryBlog: The long-ass hiatus

Uh huh, it's been almost a YEAR since I blogged here but there have been a few setbacks on getting this blog going:

-CA school (yes, I am an accountant doing the night classes)
-Work (CA firms are notorious for long hours and OT)

Yes, between the last post and now, I got myself a boyfriend, I officially started work (and will be finishing my first work year) and started class...all which have taken up almost 90% of my time.  On top of that, I haven't managed to buy myself a new camera, so the videoblogging hasn't happened yet (and I'm sure we can all agree that the HP webcam is not the best quality)

Don't worry, I didn't die...I'll get back on track soon!  My exam is today (2 hours!) and then I have a month and a half before my next one starts.  Hopefully I'll be able to squeeze some stuff in and get started!

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