Friday, September 21, 2012

CherryBlog: Restart

Once again...I did not die, I simply have been too busy with real life and not with blogging life...not that it ever really took off to start with.  Now with the UFE done, I'll have a bit more time until the results come out end of November, which will dictate the paths that I'll have to take in the future.  Not a fun time in my life, but nonetheless one that I have to go through.

So far I've been to a total of 6 weddings with (5 with the boyfriend), with whom I'll be celebrating three years of happy days one month (okay one month less one day).  I guess my goal for this blog in the next year or so is to:

1) Discuss weddings do's and dont's as a guest (both Asian and non-Asian weddings...although most weddings I've been to are Asian, some were not as traditional)

2) What's in my makeup cache...which is ever growing.  I'll probably do a hits and misses post too even if I've already actually thrown out a lot of my duds (because they took up space, I never used it AND it breeds bacteria)

3) Office dressing...because I work at a CA firm and we are stuck looking professional...but not too professional to the point our clients are intimidated.  There's that fine line between casual, business casual AND full on office/professional "suit up" look

4) CVs, interviews and getting into a CA firm (CA in Canada, CPA-CA in QC, CPA in USA?  CPA in QC and CPA in USA is NOT the same FYI)

5) What's on my iPhone (even if my iPhone is massively old)

6) Some baking/cooking stuff...I made nutella brownies from a recipe online but it requires major tweeking.  One cup of sugar with one cup of nutella?  What, you want to be diabetic???

That's it for now - I have to go eat lunch and then get my bum downtown because the boyfriend is getting off work at 3pm after recruitment since he banked his OT hours from Sunday :)  I'll be off to training in the next two weeks out of town it's nice to be able to see him!

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