Monday, December 16, 2013

CherryReview: Lush Fresh Face Masks

Recently I tried out Lush's limited edition (ie: only here for the season) fresh face mask Rudolph.

The website states the following:
If you spend your winter outdoors in the frosty air, bring your skin in from the cold with Rudolph! This limited edition Fresh Face Mask soothes and softens dry, irritated skin with nourishing ingredients like calamine, lavender and oatmeal, while fresh mint and cucumber revitalize and replenish skin’s radiance.

This face mask has a lot of good stuff in it:

*Cucumber - a great cooling agent for your skin, and helps to hydrate
*Calamine powder - known to help reduce redness
*Oatmeal - good for moisturizing the skin, light exfoliation and soothing irritated skin
*Lavender - helps you feel more relaxed
*Aloe - great for calming skin and moisturizing
*Kaolin clay - helps to draw out impurities in your skin
*Coconut oil - a great natural moisturizer

I read a few reviews saying that the mask left some sort of oily residue - I personally never experienced it.  Every time I used it (except once because I rinsed off with too hot water...which is not advisable when washing your face FYI because it dries it out even more, and also removes any of the natural moisturizers and oils in the mask for your skin!), after rinsing off my skin feels baby soft and very moisturized.

With any Lush face mask, these are my tips on application:

1) Make sure your face is slightly damp, because this will help the mask to spread easier
2) Use a popsicle stick of some sort to scoop out the mask onto your face.  I got plastic ones from Bath & Body Works once - they had a bunch for people who wanted to try out the creams in the tubs
3) Make sure that your mask stays in the fridge so that it keeps longer - if you find it slightly hard to scoop out of the pot, mix it a bit with a clean stick

If the mask is practically impossible to spread, scoop some into your hand and add a bit of warm water.  I never had a problem but some people seem to have issues with these face masks.

Considering that Rudolph is limited edition, I will probably buy another one (or two) pots before the end of the season because it is a very good mask for hydrating your skin (and a little goes a long way).  For the permanent collection, I would suggest going with Oatifix (it smells like banana bread which is one of my favourite desserts) - it has little oatmeal bits which is great for a gentle exfoliation, and the mix of oatmeal and banana really help to hydrate the skin.

If occasionally you get irritated skin (ie: like when I forget to wash my pillow case and get red bumps on my face), go with Cosmetic Catastrophe - it is a blueberry face mask but it works wonders because the main ingredient is calamine and that alone helps to reduce the redness significantly.

Readers: Which Lush face masks do you like?  Would you try Rudolph?  If you have - what are your thoughts?

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