Saturday, May 18, 2013

CherryFOTD: Lazy day face (and a surprise in the mail!)

Today I'm going out to study with the boyfriend (well he's studying, I'm going to be reading my E-book, which he got me for my birthday a few years ago).  Because it's going to be a pretty laid back day, nothing too special...just a really lazy make up look because the boy's coming to get me soon (and we're just hanging at a coffee shop anyways)

Full face (my hair was 80% dry which explains the slight frizz)

What I'm wearing:
*Old Navy white round neck t-shirt (with picket)
* Heart necklace - anniversary gift from bf
*Blue crystal earrings (the ones I got when I pierced by ears - not visible)
*AE Skinny jeans

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

CherryBlog: On having not posted for a while (and some career advice)

Hello everyone!

I realized I haven't managed to post anything recently - I'm so sorry!  It's been an extremely busy few weeks with lots of stuff going on.  I've just started a new job so the transitioning in, the training and just running around for my IT accesses is driving me nuts (and draining me too).

The weather got a lot colder - from beautiful summer temperatures back to winter temperatures.  Talk about drastic change.  However, it is the least to say that having my new job has made me a lot happier.  And stemming from this, I will just give me two cents on career advice.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

CherryReview: Bleu Vintage Box

Hi everyone!

Sorry for the lack of posts - I was down the whole of Monday and the past few days have just been a matter of recuperating.  Not sure what happened, but I woke up with the worst headache of life and then mild fever later on.  I slept probably 12 hours, barely ate and just felt like my brain was replaced with a bowling ball!

The last time I felt like that, was the time I had food poisoning in 2009.  Not a good feeling.

Anyways, I finally have a post for you guys!  I recently felt like spoiling myself a bit so I decided to try out a subscription box called Bleu Vintage.  From the review that DSK Steph made, it seemed like the box was pretty promising - three pieces of jewellery and a scarf/accessory, all for $27.99 (well that was because it was USD converted in to CAD and then shipping included).  Not a bad price for what you are getting?

Disclaimer: I purchased this box with my own money and I am not being asked to make a review, nor am I being endorsed or paid to make this review at all.  This review is 100% my own experience and my own thoughts.

YAY!  Surprise in the mail...actually no, I was anticipating it coming today.  Contact lens case is there to cover my postal code :P

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

CherryTalk: Hair Removal Part III - Tweezing your eyebrows (a tutorial)

This is Part II of my CherryTalk on Hair Removal.  For Part I and II, check here and here.

Tweezing my eyebrows have been a part of my life since I was 16, but probably would've been part of my life earlier if my mom had her way.  As a young teenager I had pretty bushy eyebrows (thanks to my dad's genes).  This did not necessarily mean I had a unibrow (thank goodness) but it meant I had thicker than normal brows.  My mom would tell me how much better my eyebrows would look if I would "just let her pluck out a few hairs".  Uh yeah I was not stupid - I knew it would be more than "just a few hairs".

Comparison of my eyebrows - you can tell that my eyebrows are much thicker in the older photo, and also a little less refined.  From far you can see the little fuzz in the middle.  

Tweezing your eyebrows is important if you have really thick eyebrows because it's always possible for your eyebrows to end up losing their shape.  Ever since I have been tweezing my eyebrows I have NOT shaped them - I simply follow the natural arch of my brows and "tame" out all of the stray hairs.

Another thing - well groomed eye brows frame your eyes much better and give a more mature look to your face.  I know that the whole "thick" eyebrow is in, but I don't particularly like it.  I think nicely groomed eyebrows that are arched appropriately for your face (FYI: I hate high arches) are very sophisticated and feminine.

Copyright © 2012-2015 Cherry B Sweet All photos are my own unless otherwise stated.
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.