Tuesday, November 24, 2015

CherryTalks: Why I have been on a hiatus


I know it has been a long long LONG time...and I realized that a lot of my photos just became "x"s for whatever ridiculous reason!  So apologies while I try and revamp again (I don't have my old photos either because they are on my now dead HP laptop that has been tucked away into storage for a rainy day when my husband is willing to tinker with it)

I've also been pretty busy with life because this happened:

It may have been a year ago but still there's a lot of stuff going on, from moving out of home to our condo and now we are preparing to move to our new house at the end of next year.  I'll be trying to update as often as I can :)

Monday, December 16, 2013

CherryReview: Lush Fresh Face Masks

Recently I tried out Lush's limited edition (ie: only here for the season) fresh face mask Rudolph.

The website states the following:
If you spend your winter outdoors in the frosty air, bring your skin in from the cold with Rudolph! This limited edition Fresh Face Mask soothes and softens dry, irritated skin with nourishing ingredients like calamine, lavender and oatmeal, while fresh mint and cucumber revitalize and replenish skin’s radiance.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

CherryTalks: Top 8 MAC eyeshadows to start with

So today I decided that I would talk about what I feel are the best shades to start of your MAC collection, if you decide to start off one (and if you haven't well, that's okay too!)

I'm pretty sure people are going to wonder why I say Top 8 rather than Top 10.  The reason being the pro palette quads - I explained in a previous post (linked here) why I think pro palettes (vs the potted) and the quads (vs the 15 pan palette) are better - and save $$ too.  Obviously 4 may be enough for you (meaning one quad), but I feel like 2 quads will give you enough range to start off with, and be able to do enough looks (plus if you travel, you can bring one or the other, or both!)

Above: my two quads that I use the most (even though it doesn't look like it...hahah, yeah the pans are relatively new since I restocked)

Left quad (clockwise left to right): Blanc Type, Shadowy Lady, Satin Taupe, Naked Lunch
Right quad (clockwise left to right): Shroom, Handwritten, All that Glitters, Woodwinked

Sunday, November 17, 2013

CherryReview: My most used MAC eyeshadows

A lot of people always ask that question - what MAC eyeshadows are worth investing in?  While I myself do not own a ton (I currently own 10 with another on the way and possibly a few more to replace that I haven't gotten around to), I have narrowed it down to the few I own/will own (based on usage from a MUA) so that I don't waste my money.  With MAC, it is key to:

a) always go pro - the quad (empty) costs $10 CAD (don't know about the larger version but I prefer the quads because it's easier to travel with and fits better in my drawer dividers - plus the price has gone down) and the pans cost $12 CAD + tax a piece (down $2 from last year, where I bought a pan for $14 CAD + tax), which is a few dollars cheaper than buying individuals.

b) make your money's worth - I've heard people say buy colour you use the most from the drugstore brands and buy "special" colours from MAC.  Okay, there are drugstore brands that can compete with MAC and the price is less steep but in my opinion, if you buy MAC you will technically spend less because there is better pigmentation and you will probably purchase less just because you already spent on MAC and have the right colour (hence the need to choose wisely)

c) buy colours that can work with everything or a lot of the colours you own - when I first started, I got shroom, woodwinked and satin taupe.  Why?  Because I wanted a good highlighter and two colours that could work on their own and separately.  On top if that, I knew that Woodwinked would work with the existing purples from one of my L'Oreal quads, as well as with my matte navy Revlon eyeshadow (I had asked the MUA too)

So here are the 10 eye shadows I currently own - note that I actually don't like one of them, but I'll explain that later.

(Top is without flash, bottom is with flash - these are my three quads (note that two pans are empty) but I only really use the two on the right more)

Colours are - from left to right going clockwise:
Goldbit, Humid, (empty), Li'Lily
Shroom, Handwritten, All That Glitters, Woodwinked
Blanc Type, Shadowy Lady, Satin Taupe, (empty)

Copyright © 2012-2015 Cherry B Sweet All photos are my own unless otherwise stated.
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.